(6TH - 12TH GRADE)
Our goal is to effectively inspire and equip our students & parents to develop their own faith to look like Jesus.
SHOOTSare places where your student grows in faith, learning more about God and themselves
ROOTSare places where your student connects with others, learning how to live in relationship.
For our students we celebrate...
1. Attending regularly scheduled youth class 2. Attending an event (camp, retreat, etc.) 3. Taking a step in faith (baptism, leads, etc.) 4. Inviting a friend who attends with them 5. Volunteering in a ministry on their own
For our adults we celebrate...
1. Going through volunteer training 2. Helping at a single event 3. Teaching a class for a quarter 4. Investing long term in students 5. Inviting others to serve with us
New Opportunities
SCYG Involves Opportunities for Pre-Teens, Middle School, High School, and Parents
Communications – Weekly e-mails and semi-regular text messages
Weekly AXIS Culture Translator e-mails plus text updates and encouragement via the REMIND app.

Meetings & Activities
Bible Class – Weekly Sunday morning gatherings for Bible Study
We meet at 10:00am and are split between age groups:
Grades: 6-8
Room 2
Grades: 9-12
Room 3
Youth Group – Weekly Wednesday night gathering for Bible Study
Always 6th – 12th grades combined at 7:00pm, currently in Room 1.
Events – Semi-regular times for service, worship, fellowship, and fun
Devotionals, retreats, summer camps, mission trips, etc. to build memories and relationships.